Friday, September 7, 2012

Safe and Sound

Hello! I'm sitting in in my tiny but lovely Roman room and have just awoken from an attempt to outfox the jet lag, but I don't know yet how successful I am. Time will tell I guess . . .

My Virginia adventures have been many and marvelous, and I do have great pictures from most of them, but I might forgo detailed accounts until later this week. Here's a few samplers though:

             This is Jordan's amazing parish, St. John's . . . brand new, gorgeous church!

 Ashlynn and I goofing off at dinner on Saturday night.

                     Jordan and I at Harper's Ferry, before we got all hot and sweaty from hiking. (I fixed it! It was upside down before.)

                                                 The unbelievable view from the top!

Now I am settled safe and sound in my room, which is very pretty, and has this tiny patio  . . .

Ciao for now!

1 comment:

  1. All I could think was.... "oh good! I have a picture of your glasses to go by."
